Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

School Regulation
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
            Good afternoon all, my name is Anggreni Putri. I’m from XI Sciene 1 and first of all I will thanks to Allah SWT, to honourable teacher, and then to all my friends. In this occasion, I will deliver a speech about “School Regulation”.

Yes, school regulation is something rule which is made by school for all student. For all student obedient it but usually all student break this regulation. Very much kinds about school regulation like a the student must wearing uniform yes good uniform like as wearing tie, wearing “pesat” shoes, wearing “almamater” everyday, wearing hat when ceremony in Monday morning, and don’t wearing short skirt and small shirt. The students must be on time come ti school if you’re come late you must come back to your house.The students must throwing garbage on the basket in order to classroom and the school environment look so clean and comfort to study and usually for healthy living.
They must care for comfortable and beauty of school environment to supports
teaching and learning activities in school. And then the students banned to wear shirt besides uniform, wear hat besides uniform’s hat and wear jacket besides almamater then wear excessive jewelry which is cause the student’s safety and use excessive make-up, yes this is very not deserve for students in any school. Because the good student is student who simple appearance and have learning high spirit then responsible become a student.
            For make all student become a good student. The school must give something doubt for a student who break the regulation like as give reminder letters or if needed the school can call their parents and give punishment to student who come late, wearing bad uniform, not throwing garbage in basket, do not homework, behave poorly even the things that has fatal.
            Okay, so we are must be a good student and dicipline student in order to make our parents proud with our good behaviour in school, don’t break school regulation at all. That’s all my speech today. Thank you for your attention.

Asslamualaikum Wr.Wb
Good Afternoon

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